AlphaScope: TarsoPro - Total Ankle Mobility

Ankle injuries are the most common injury across all sports, yet chronic ankle instability (CAI) is poorly understood and difficult to manage.

Dorsiflexion is the key to ankle function.

  • Stiff ankles holding rehab back? 
  • How difficult is it to get dorsiflexion range of movement back to normal post ankle sprain?
  • Need something to help or loan out to patients for home use?

Lack of dorsiflexion is one of the biggest contributors to movement dysfunctions, soft tissue and overuse injuries from the knee down.

  • Achilles tendinopathy
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Navicular stress fractures
  • MTSS- Medical tibial stress syndrome
  • Poor squat technique
  • Recurrent calf tears
  • Chronic ankle instability (CAI)

Mobilisation with movement (MWM) including Mulligan techniques are an important tool in the physio’s kit bag and well supported in the literature. But increasingly often we need more ‘tools’ to assist us in the clinic, sports arena and devices for home use.

Introducing the TarsoPro - Designed in Australia by Sports Physiotherapists.


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